Dennis's Birth....
Not for the screamish!!!
 Click on foal
for broodmares..................... Click
on picture for foals 2007.....
We were lucky to attend
the birth of Dennis so I have made a page of his birth from
start to finish.
Doris just starting, waters broken and first signs of
Dennis's feet....

Dennis's nose is showing now.....

Dennis is here......... Doris foaled standing up then
quietly kept looking at him....

What a proud mum, hes trying to get up in the right hand

Looking a bit cleaner now mum is cleaning him........

Dennis really wants to get up now........

Mum is having a rest to now try and cleanse the

Whoops wrong way........

Hes made it.........

Not sure which leg to move without falling over

Looking a lot steadier..........

Dennis has his first drink...........

Mum and baby tired but happy.............
