Red - Tb x
D. O. B. 1977

Red is our veteran and
is now retired. He is a 15.3hh, TB x Chestnut
We have just found out
he was bred by one of our friends "god-parents" and her father
foaled him so we are excitedly waiting to see some pictures of
his mum!!! He started his career as a showjumper and was in
Michael Whittaker's yard at some point. I will update any new
details as soon as I have some!!!!
He was given to us with
no background at all in 1999. He has proved his
weight in gold having whipped in to blood and fox hounds
with Penny for 4 seasons. He has crossed many
different Countries including Quorn, Belvoir, Leicestershire,
Derbyshire, Top Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and of
course Nottinghamshire.
In between time he was
quite happy to teach novices to ride and escort youngsters out
on the road.
Over the last few years
his story has gradually come together after a few people have
recognised him and each have said a little more about him and
that he had showjumped. He had never hunted and learnt
very quickly about stone walls, and hedges although never
quite got it together with ditches!!!!!
Penny made her decision to retire from
hunting when Red retired, there would never be a horse so safe
and knew hounds as well as him, he could have whipped in
without a "rider" help!!!!!!!
Red was the most brave jumper across
country, feeling like he had wings, his only fault being
he wouldnt jump in front, he needed to see someone jump a
fence in front!!!!!!!
There is so much to say about Red but
the most important thing is he is very precious and a horse of
a lifetime..........

Red has come in for the
Winter 07 and been sneaked back into as much work as he is
able to do. Hes moved down to the other farm with his
friend Alice so they are quietly hacking out - although Red
doesnt think it should be quiet and is leaping about like a
spring chicken!!!!
How nice it is to be out on an old
faithful friend..........................

Hes not looking too bad
for coming 31!!!!!!!!!